Monday, March 29, 2010

Wedding stuff gets finalised

Okay, so I'm not *actually* the GeekWife just yet... at the moment I'm the GeekFiance, but that's not quite as catchy, and I'd have to change the blog title in 6 days... which would suck.

So I am the GeekFiance at the moment.

The term 'GeekWife' in itself is not quite descriptive enough. I am, indeed a Geek (hey, you live with one for long enough and it rubs off... a lot) but I am also soon-to-be-married to a Geek, a man whose job entails 8 hours of sitting in front of a computer, whose leisure time is spent, you guessed it, in front of a computer.

Anyway, today's blog is about the finalisation of the wedding arrangements.

My dress is getting its' final alterations made, and my Geek's shirt is hanging in the closet. I'm not stupid (or cruel) enough to try and get him to wear a tie, so instead it's a silk shirt with a Mandarin collar and frog buttons.

This entire wedding's theme actually centres on the fact that the Geek didn't want to wear a tie; so we decided that our theme would be Asian Fusion (plus, I look like a Zombie Bride when I wear white- what better excuse to wear red than a Chinese-inspired reception).

Wedding stuff aside (as it seems to have taken over my life of late) the Geek was on the other day and has informed me that, due to our honeymoon schedule, we will each miss no less than three episodes of our favourite shows.


But the honeymoon part will (hopefully) make up for it.

I believe that the contents of the suitcase that I have packed for us to take on our honeymoon really does illustrate just how Geeky the two of us are- not limited to just our mobile phones and laptop, we've got two iPods, a Sony eBook reader, two digital cameras, a USB modem so that we can get online no matter where our travels take us and a Canon Selphy photo printer.

Then there's the other suitcase, the one with our clothes in it.

I've got my portable hard-drive backing up selected TV shows and music so that we don't get bored and my mother has done nothing but admonish me about my inability to live without technology.

I personally don't care if it's an addiction, it's better than booze!

(Plus, we've agreed that neither of us will touch Facebook for the duration of the honeymoon).

Perhaps that will be enough of a technological drought to make us talk to each other in person rather than over the internet...

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, a Mandarin Red Wedding dress sounds GORGEOUS! I hope you post some photos. Happy Ever After and Congratulations on your wedding!
    I'm a GeekWife too - I married an Engineer. I've added your blog to my faves, and look forward to a glimpse into your renos!
    x LouiseT from EB
