Saturday, May 1, 2010


Ace did something remarkably stupid today. (Well, stupid by his usual above-average-intelligence standards)

He gave me a set of secateurs, a small saw, a pair of gardening gloves and told me to 'go and prune the camellia's while I mow the front lawn.'


This is what he came back to- I'm so disappointed that I forgot to take a 'before' picture... but I may be back tomorrow with a photo of the pile of leaves and branches that is in the corner of the yard... hang on. Did Ace's parents take those... yes. They've taken them to the tip. Damn.

Oh, well. Aftermath!

Bear in mind, these trees were up to the height of the roof of the verandah and so thick that I had *no* natural light in my kitchen.

They are now stumps! Huzzah!

And tomorrow I'm going to Bunnings to learn how to prep a Veggie Garden at one of their free learn-how-to-do-it-yourself thinghies, which will go into the space occupied by the patch of weeds illustrated below.

(Hopefully the next photo will be of a lovely patch of raked earth with plastic labels for the various veggies sticking out of the ground.)

See you when I have a veggie patch!
