Wednesday, December 1, 2010

high school lied

I went to a Catholic school that only started teaching Sex Ed because it was threatened with withdrawal of State funding if it didn't start teaching us about condoms etc.

Their approach to this was to teach us that if a girl so much as looks at an erect penis, she will get pregnant.


It's not that easy.

We've been 'trying' for almost nine months... well, we were trying for the six months between our wedding and when I got put onto paroxetine... then we had to stop for two months because I found out AFTER reading the labels -I was not told by my psychiatrist - that paroxetine has been known to cause serious birth defects of the neural tube persuasion.

I self-weaned off paroxetine when I realised it was giving me horrible vivid nightmares - Ace thinks they might have been closer to night-terrors because of the way that I was reacting to them even when asleep.

The other reason for self-weaning?

After four 'sessions' with the psychiatrist at $130/45minute session, she still didn't know who 'Ace' was when I was talking about him, in spite of the pages of 'notes' she had been taking during our talks.

The man is my husband. It says RIGHT THERE on my profile that Ace is the person to contact in an emergency.

I have had such an horrific time with shrinks that I have sworn off them... at least for the time being.

So now, we are back to trying to get pregnant.

One more week and I can wee in a cup, dip the stick in and wait for those two pink lines.

Strange part?

I won't be telling anyone in real life for at least a few months.... mainly because I can't trust my mother to keep it a secret for me.

Oh well.... got to love family.


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