Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Movie Review- Julie and Julia

Attempting to get away from yesterdays' rather depressing topic- today I watched Julie & Julia, and may have rediscovered my cooking mojo.

Amy Adams and Meryl Streep were both fantastic. I can look past some of the anachronisms (for example, Notre Dame being alabaster in 1949, when it should have been black from pollution) and the somewhat ridiculous accent that Meryl did for most of her part of the movie, but it's still a fantastic story... plus I love Amy Adams' haircut.

The fact that the entire movie revolves around a blog also makes me smile.

I am considering getting hold of a cookbook from an Australian chef and cooking my way through that- maybe making some notes on here as I do.

The entire movie is very well put together and the food that is produced by both protagonists is enough to make anyone's mouth water.

Besides that, the actor who plays Julia Childs' husband is Stanley Tucci, the man who played Nigel in The Devil Wears Prada- the chemistry between them is really great!

Julie's (Amy) attitude towards her blog is really not surprising- for the first little while she is somewhat pessimistic about it (her mothers' attitude doesn't help much) but as she gains followers she gets more into it.

Her dedication to her blog is admirable- making me think that I should maybe set myself some kind of goal with this one so that I don't abandon it again!

Julia's journey through her cooking school in France is amazing- the fact that she's the only woman in the class doesn't hold her back, but the woman who runs the cooking school seems to think that a womans' place is certainly not as a professional chef- the first class that Julia takes teaches the women how to boil eggs!

It's enough to make me want to spend the money on my kitchen remodel- but I need to find a job that isn't so soul destroying  so that I can fund it.

I'm not going to give any more away (nothing worse than when a reviewer just summarizes the entire movie) but it's definitely worth the watch.

Now, I am going to make something delicious for myself for dinner. No idea what, but it will involve beef.

--Geek Wife.

1 comment:

  1. I had to laugh at your comment on Meryl Streep's accent. My first thought on watching the movie was that I didn't know Julia Child was a "special needs" person :)
